The Snooze Clues Blog

Your library for all things newborn - infant feeding, infant sleeping, and emotional support.


Let’s face it, finding the perfect childcare solution is a constant struggle. It feels like every option has its pros and cons, and the “right” choice depends on your family’s unique needs. When I first brought up the idea of an Au Pair to Dave, well, let’s just say his enthusiasm wasn’t exactly overflowing. I […]

Is there anything more frustrating than celebrating the success of finally dropping a nighttime feed, only to see it reappear? If you’re experiencing this, I promise you are not alone! This frustrating phenomenon is called reverse cycling, and it’s actually quite common. Why? Because it’s an easy trap to fall into, and breaking the cycle […]

It seems like false starts are a hot topic lately, judging by the questions flooding my weekly Instagram Q&A. Maybe it’s Mercury in retrograde, or maybe everyone’s just having one of those weeks where sleep feels like… a dream? What are false starts, anyways? For those of you new to the sleep struggle, a false […]

Newborn life throws everything you know about schedules out the window. Late nights might seem like the only option, but there comes a point when an earlier bedtime benefits everyone. This post will guide you through the evolution of bedtime for your baby, and the signs that show they’re ready to trade in those late-night […]

early bedtime

“Do you suggest following schedules or wake windows?” I get asked this question ALL. OF. THE. TIME. So here is my answer: IT DEPENDS! This isn’t a one size fits all approach. My answer is going to differ from family to family. This post elaborates on the things that I take into consideration when suggesting […]

The SNOO bassinet has become a coveted baby registry staple, promising parents a magical sleep solution. But with a hefty price tag, it’s natural to wonder if it’s worth the investment. As a mom and certified pediatric sleep consultant, I’ve seen firsthand the allure of this high-tech bassinet. I’ll preface by saying, my approach to […]

Sleep Style Quiz




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from the

Infant Sleep Course

Gain the tools, knowledge and emotional support inside a community-based course to design and execute the perfect sleep plan for your child.

Exclusive Pumping Guide

A complete guide and schedule to exclusively pumping breastmilk.

Newborn Guide

Your partner in crime for setting expectations when it comes to feeding, sleeping, and (mostly) keeping your sanity.

Don’t leave without your
           baby essentials!

Setting Your Nursery up for Sleep Success 

This guide will help you design a Pinterest-worthy nursery that also sets your little one (and you!) up for sleep success.


Ultimate Baby Registry Guide

Your one stop shopping checklist for creating the perfect baby registry that only includes the things you actually need.

Diaper Bag Checklist

Everything you need to have in your baby's diaper bag so that you can have it packed and ready to go for that first family outing with your newest addition.