Life with an Au Pair

As a certified pediatric sleep consultant, a certified lactation consultant, and a newborn care specialist, I give families the resources and support they need to thrive during the newborn period.

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Let’s face it, finding the perfect childcare solution is a constant struggle. It feels like every option has its pros and cons, and the “right” choice depends on your family’s unique needs. When I first brought up the idea of an Au Pair to Dave, well, let’s just say his enthusiasm wasn’t exactly overflowing.

I get it. Living with someone new, especially someone young and from another country, is a big adjustment. It’s no surprise that Au Pairs aren’t for everyone. But for our family, it’s been almost 3 months with our amazing Au Pair, Barbara, and I can’t imagine going back.

Au Pairs: More Than Just a Live-In Nanny

For those unfamiliar, an Au Pair is a young adult (typically 18-26 years old) from another country who comes to live with your family and help with childcare for a year. It’s like having a nanny, but they become a part of your household. There are some huge benefits to an Au Pair over a nanny.

First, Au Pairs offer incredible flexibility. They can work up to 45 hours a week, with schedules that can be adjusted based on your needs. If I need a little extra help when Dave is traveling, I adjust the hours to include dinner and bedtime. If we want a date night, I usually offer a half day on a Friday. This level of customization was a major draw for us, especially with our ever-changing business schedules.

Compensation for Au Pairs is primarily room and board, along with a weekly stipend. You’ll also cover any expenses related to their job, like a phone plan or gas money if they’ll be driving.

Finding the Perfect Fit: The Search for Barbara

I’ll be honest, finding the right Au Pair takes effort. We went through an agency called AuPairCare, which connects families with potential matches. They handle everything from visas and travel arrangements to cultural orientation programs to prepare the Au Pair for life in your country.

The whole process felt a bit like online dating – lots of profiles, applications, and back-and-forth communication. But after a month of searching, we found Barbara, and she’s been an absolute dream come true.

A New Addition to the Family

Barbara joined our family in May, and she’s seamlessly become an integral part of our lives. She’s fantastic with the kids, of course, but her presence goes way beyond childcare. She’s a master in the kitchen (our whole family is now eating healthier and more interesting meals) and she’s started to teach the girls Portuguese (Genevieve now tells everyone “Boa noite” before bed). 

The mental load she’s lifted from me is incredible. Barbara helps plan activities for the girls, keeps their rooms organized, and even tackles their laundry. It’s like having an extra set of hands, but also a caring and fun presence in the house.

A Day in the Life with an Au Pair

Barbara typically watches the girls from 8 or 8:30 am to 5 or 5:30 pm, depending on the day. Mornings are all about getting out and exploring – playgrounds, museums, libraries, the zoo – you name it. Afternoons are usually spent at the pool or the neighborhood playground.

Every Wednesday, we have a family meeting to discuss the schedule for the following week. This is where I can adjust Barbara’s hours based on Dave’s travel schedule or upcoming date nights. I will never not be grateful for this kind of flexibility. 

Why We Chose an Au Pair Over Daycare

Daycare has always been a good option for our family. Our oldest daughter, Genevieve, started when she was just 11 weeks old, and both girls have thrived in that social environment. However, with our increasingly busy schedules and growing business demands, we recently started questioning if daycare was still the best fit for us.

An Au Pair offered a more personalized approach to childcare. Barbara can cater to our specific needs and create a more home-like environment for the girls. It wasn’t a decision we took lightly, but so far, it’s been a game-changer.

The Future with Barbara

Au Pair contracts are typically for one year, with the option to extend for a second year. We’ve already talked to Barbara about staying on with us, but we’ll wait and see how things unfold over the next few months.

The point is, this Au Pair experiment has been a resounding success so far. It’s a big change, but for our family, it’s the perfect solution to our childcare needs.

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I'm Kristen

The expert & woman behind the screen. I'm also your new best friend who is ready to empower you on this incredible journey.

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