WOO! It feels so good to finally say it out loud, I’ve even almost wrapped my head around the idea that it is actually happening – I’m pregnant! Baby #2 is on the way!
If you’re new here (hi!), you might not know that I suffered a miscarriage this past July. It was absolutely devastating. I don’t wish that sort of pain, physical or emotional, on my worst enemy.
Journey to pregnancy
My miscarriage was strange – it wasn’t one of those situations where you show up to an ultrasound and there is no heartbeat, or you randomly start bleeding/ cramping. I knew my miscarriage was happening about 3 weeks before it actually “happened.” I honestly don’t know which is worse – anticipating the inevitable or being completely shocked and heartbroken at the same time. I do know that no matter how it happens, it isn’t easy, and it definitely isn’t fair.
I spent hours laying in my bed thinking about how I couldn’t even fathom having another baby because I was too scared of getting hurt all over again. Well, after a few therapy sessions and a lot of tears, I was equal parts excited and terrified to get a positive pregnancy test the very next month.
If you’re a type A person who has recently suffered a miscarriage and then find out your pregnant again, well you know….

To say I took several pregnancy tests would be an understatement. I probably took close to 100…. At least two every day, just to mentally carry me to the first ultrasound.
Morning Sickness
By week 6 of this pregnancy I was bed ridden with all day morning sickness. I still feel bad for the poor families that had to watch me chug ginger ale during our video calls…. Sorry to all of you!
Somehow, I found very little comfort in the morning sickness. I was still extremely anxious on the morning of my 8-week ultrasound. But as soon as the doctor had the baby up on the monitor, he promptly pointed out the heartbeat. We immediately cried tears of happiness.
I wanted to tell you all about this pregnancy so many times, but I was too scared to jinx it. Let’s be real, I’m still scared I’m going to jinx it. Although, I’m sure with my essential hiatus from Instagram there were many of you who assumed.
Non stop nausea while chasing a toddler and running a business is no joke. I am pretty confident that I am solely responsible for 90% of all bagel sales in Q3 2021. By week 12, I was having good days and bad days that could be controlled mostly with diet. Finally, around 15 weeks, I felt like a functioning member of society!

Telling G about the pregnancy
Telling Genevieve was the most anticlimactic announcement of all of them. I’m pretty sure she could care less. All she really wanted out of the conversation was a pack of fruit snacks. But sometimes she will bring it up unprompted, so she definitely knows.
Once the baby gets here, I’m sure it will be a different story. In her eyes, she is the star of the show and the ruler of our house – always and forever.
Second babies are funny (and I’m sure it only gets worse the more you have). We haven’t done a single thing for this poor child. By this point in my pregnancy with G, we had all the nursery furniture ordered. So far, I haven’t even decided where this baby is going to sleep.
Preparing For Newborn Sleep
AHH the baby sleeping! Who is excited to watch me practice all the things I preach live time? I’m not! Haha! This poor baby. Little do they know that they are being born into a real-life case study. Every day I joke that this baby better be a good sleeper or I’m going to be out of the job!
I already have a running list of all the things I plan to do differently with this baby AND with my postpartum self! Genevieve and I had a rocky feeding journey and I struggled quite a bit with postpartum anxiety. I promise I won’t turn this page into a pregnancy page, but for now we are just so dang excited!
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