The Snooze Clues Blog

Your library for all things newborn - infant feeding, infant sleeping, and emotional support.


How to Soothe Your Little One and Minimize Night Wakings Teething is a significant milestone in your baby’s development, but it can also bring challenges, especially when it comes to sleep. Understanding how teething affects your baby’s sleep and knowing effective strategies to manage it can help both you and your little one rest easier […]




Anti-Colic Bottle

Sound Machine


Infant Sleep Course

Gain the tools, knowledge and emotional support inside a community-based course to design and execute the perfect sleep plan for your child.

Exclusive Pumping Guide

A complete guide and schedule to exclusively pumping breastmilk.

Newborn Guide

Your partner in crime for setting expectations when it comes to feeding, sleeping, and (mostly) keeping your sanity.

Don’t leave without your
           baby essentials!